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Churches Together in Malling


Contact: Valerie Thornewell (Secretary of CTiM) Email: )

Churches Together in Malling Report

by Valerie Thornewell 

Our 2023 CTiM AGM was on Monday 20 February. Rev. Dave Baxter stepped down as Chair after having extended his 3 years in office to 4, in order to coordinate our “Known & Loved” outreach mission in May 2022. Charlotte Brooks, lay Vice Chair became our lay Chair of CTiM. Jenny Barrow had given a year’s notice of wishing to step down as Treasurer, after doing much extra work because of our “Known & Loved” Mission expenses. However, no one volunteered to take up the role of Treasurer, so Jenny nobly agreed to continue until someone came forward, but she said she would definitely step down at the February 2024 AGM. We are very grateful to both Dave and Jenny for all their dedication. There is still a vacancy for a Vice Chair, preferably a Clergy one, but our Constitution would allow a Lay Vice Chair. I am stepping down as Secretary at the February 2024 AGM, having served since July 2016. Because of this situation with the vacancies for Officers of CTiM, our Chair, Charlotte, wrote an urgent email in August, explaining that if these 3 Officer vacancies are not filled at the next AGM, the Committee would sadly have to cease to be. Fortunately, the response to this email has been that there are people who are likely to volunteer for most, if not all 3 roles.

At our 11 May Committee Meeting, Sylvia Ratcliff was welcomed back as our Church’s CTiM Representative, for just one year, as agreed at our previous Church Council Meeting, following the sudden, sad death of our previous CTiM Rep., Dave Raven. Sylvia will step down at the 6 February AGM. If you would like to be our church’s CTiM Representative, please let me know. There are just 3 Committee Meetings per year to attend; the January Week of Prayer for Christian Unity; the Good Friday Procession of Witness and Thy Kingdom Come (from Ascension to Pentecost) to support.

On Ascension Day, 18 May, Rev. Rosemary came with me and John to the Evening service at Ryarsh church, which was the first service of the combined 7 parishes (see below). This began the season known as Thy Kingdom Come, which culminates on Pentecost Sunday. West Malling Church mowed a grass prayer labyrinth. On the Tuesday, during our Muffins time, I led a quiet reflective service using TKC resources, in the Welcome Area. Afterwards, people quietly pondered and meditated upon the various prayer stations, which Sylvia had set up inside our church. On the Thursday, Rev. Rosemary led our Pentecost PBL service.

On 5 June, Rosemary, John and I attended the Installation, Institution and Induction of Rev. Canon Dr Helen Burn (previously the Vicar at St. Justus, Rochester) to serve as Team Rector of the 7 parishes of the former BART churches: Birling, Addington, Ryarsh and Trottiscliffe; Leybourne; West Malling and Offham. Rev. David Green, the Vicar of these last two churches, is the Team Vicar, and Rev. Kelly Parson is his Curate. I am grateful to Rev. Rosemary for being so supportive of ecumenical events, attending CTiM Committee meetings and services.


A small Sub-Committee met in July to bring our current Constitution more in line with the Churches Together in England new-style “Agreement”, as well as updating and clarifying some wording. A draft copy of our “Agreement” was sent to all CTiM contacts for comments. It was agreed upon at the September Committee Meeting, subject to one section being re-worded slightly. This will be sent out again to Members, then submitted to the Kent Church Leaders’ Group, (which has replaced CTinKent), and also to CTinEngland.

It was agreed that the “123GO!” Lent Course written by Rev. Chris Duffett, who was our Mission Enabler for 2022’s “Known & Loved” Mission would be offered to the 5 geographical areas to follow in ecumenical groups, similarly to what happened during Lent 2022.  Our church and Holy Trinity Church would like to follow it. If other churches choose to follow a different Lent course, of their own choice, then these will be publicised, too, so that people can choose which Lent group they might like to attend. Meeting with folk of other denominations provides a great opportunity to get to know our fellow Christians, who worship in different churches.

Please join us at our CTiM Carol Singing outside ASDA at Kings Hill on Saturday 16 December from 10.30am until 12 noon, followed by a warm drink nearby. We will be collecting for the charity “Porchlight”, which helps homeless people throughout Kent. I have space for 3 passengers in my car.

Please pray regularly for church unity and closer fellowship with Christians of other denominations. It is encouraging that our joint, united services with the Anglican churches of Holy Trinity, Larkfield and St. James the Great, East Malling, on each 5th Sunday in the month, are so well supported. On 29th October, this United service will be held at St. James the Great. Our church will host the next United service on literally the last day of the year, 31st December.

(October 2023)

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